How excited do you get when you catch a big one? If you’re a fan of Richard Gene the fishing machine on YouTube, then you know how excited Elmo can get when he hooks a good one. If you haven’t seen him before, Richard Gene is a famous YouTube fishing legend, sort of like everyone’s favorite grandpa that they love to fish with. One of the best parts about watching Richard is that not only is he a fishing genius and legend, but he also has one heck of a good time, as evidenced in his videos. Every so often, he snaps into his alter ego, a character named Elmo, or Elmer (not sure which it is to be honest.) Elmo shouts and hollers, while also complaining about his wife who never lets hm go fishing. Anyhow, we also get similarly excited when we hook a big one. While the motto of our channel is ‘you don’t have to be brilliant, just smarter than the fish’ many times this philosophy does not play itself out in reality on the boat. So when we do have a good day, and find ourselves temporarily ‘smarter than the fish,’ we get excited! Check out the clip below of Riley, our special-needs cancer survivor, channeling his inner Richard Gene!